AASHTOWare Bridge Design & Rating 7.3.2 and 7.4.1 Release Announcement

The AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Task Force is pleased to deliver versions 7.3.2 and 7.4.1 of the AASHTOWare Bridge Design (BrD) and AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) products and the combined Design and Rating product (BrDR).

The following Support Center incidents have been resolved in the 7.3 Maintenance Update 2 (version 7.3.2):

  • BSSD-4068 Unconservative ‘Distribution Factor-Line Girder’ analysis results for short span lengths
  • BSSD-4072 Floorbeam bracing issue – incorrect unbraced length is used
  • BSSD-4089 Unable to Define Floorbeam Members-Floorbeam Member alternative window
  • BSSD-4102 AASHTO Timber ASD engine beam weight is being doubled for percentage of additional self-weight input
  • BSSD-4108 Influence surface for shear at support for does not peak at that support
  • BSSD-4128 For the AASHTO Timber LRFR engine the timber deck LL analysis actions change when additional trucks are included.

The following Support Center incidents have been resolved in the 7.4 Maintenance Update 1 (version 7.4.1):

  • BSSD-4056 Improper handling of ‘Must consider user input lateral flange bending stresses’ control option for GFS model file created in v7.4
  • BSSD-4067 Floorbeam LL incorrect in truss systems with more than 2 trusses
  • BSSD-4068 Unconservative ‘Distribution Factor-Line Girder’ analysis results for short span lengths
  • BSSD-4072 Floorbeam bracing issue – incorrect unbraced length is used
  • BSSD-4089 Unable to Define Floorbeam Members-Floorbeam Member alternative window
  • BSSD-4102 AASHTO Timber ASD engine beam weight is being doubled for percentage of additional self-weight input
  • BSSD-4108 Influence surface for shear at support for does not peak at that support
  • BSSD-4128 For the AASHTO Timber LRFR engine the timber deck LL analysis actions change when additional trucks are included.

The appropriate system download package, with Bridge Design, Bridge Rating, or both, is provided in accordance with your AASHTO license agreement. Installation instructions are provided within the AASHTOWare Bridge Startup Guide in the download package. Please uninstall version 7.3.0 and 7.3.1 before installing version 7.3.2 and please uninstall version 7.4.0 before installing version 7.4.1.

For distributed silent install, please contact BrDR@promiles.com for a standalone MSI installer.

Software distribution is processed based on the information the organization provides when the software is licensed.  The system download package will be distributed to the organization’s shipping and end user designee. Software distribution will be completed within 7 business days.

AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating 7.4 Release Announcement

The AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Task Force is pleased to deliver version 7.4 of the AASHTOWare Bridge Design (BrD) and AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) products and the combined Design and Rating product (BrDR). This release adds the following capabilities and features.

Bridge Design and Rating core product platform:

  • Ability to specify flange lateral bending stresses for analysis – This enhancement allows flange lateral bending stresses to be specified at diaphragm locations for the design and rating of steel multi-girder bridges.
  • Ability to select the Bridge Management (BrM) bridge data fields to synchronize with BrDR.

The appropriate system download package, with Bridge Design, Bridge Rating, or both, is provided in accordance with your AASHTO license agreement.  Installation instructions are provided within the AASHTOWare Bridge Startup Guide in the download package.

Software distribution is processed based on the information the organization provides when the software is licensed.  The system download package will be distributed to the organization’s shipping and end user designee. Software distribution to all licensees will be completed 5 working days from this announcement.

AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating 7.3.1 Release Announcement

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force is pleased to deliver version 7.3.1 of the AASHTOWare Bridge Design (BrD) and AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) products and the combined Design and Rating product (BrDR).

The following Support Center incidents have been resolved in the 7.3 Maintenance Updates (version 7.3.1):

  • BSSD-3819 – Error performing PS loss specification check!
  • BSSD-3811 – Prestressed circular void strand layout schematic has incorrect strand and void positions.
  • BSSD-3804 – RC Box Culvert Reinforcement window bug.
  • BSSD-3803 – Creating a new concrete material on RC Tee Cross Section window throws a System Error.

The appropriate system download package, with Bridge Design, Bridge Rating, or both, is provided in accordance with your AASHTO license agreement.  Installation instructions are provided within the AASHTOWare Bridge Startup Guide in the download package.  Please uninstall version 7.3.0 before installing version 7.3.1.

Software distribution is processed based on the information the organization provides when the software is licensed.  The system download package will be distributed to the organization’s shipping and end user designee.  Software distribution has been completed as of 11/2/2022.

AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating 7.3 Release Announcement

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force is pleased to deliver version 7.3 of the AASHTOWare Bridge Design (BrD) and AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) products and the combined Design and Rating product (BrDR).  The following enhancements and additions have been added to AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating in version 7.3:

Bridge Design and Rating core product platform:

  • Ability to specify system default analysis engines by member/structure types;
  • Modernized BrDR Bridge Copy Utility; and
  • BrDR Database Migration Wizard usability improvements.

Bridge Rating product:

  • AASHTO Timber Engine for ASR and LRFR – Sawn and glulam timber beams, and sawn timber deck;
  • AASHTO Metal Culvert Engine for LFR and LRFR – Metal pipe, pipe arch, arch, and structural plate pipe structures, long-span structural plate pipe structures, and structural plate box structures; and
  • Manual for Bridge Evaluation updates – 3rd Edition, 2022 Interim Revisions. 

The appropriate system download package, with Bridge Design, Bridge Rating, or both, is provided in accordance with your AASHTO license agreement.  Installation instructions are provided within the AASHTOWare Bridge Startup Guide in the download package.

Software distribution is processed based on the information the organization provides when the software is licensed.  The system download package will be distributed to the organization’s shipping designee.  If no shipping designee is provided, the download package will be distributed to the end user designee.  Software distribution to all licensees will be completed 5 working days from this announcement.

AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating 7.2 Release Announcement

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force is pleased to deliver version 7.2 of the AASHTOWare Bridge Design (BrD) and AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) products and the combined Design and Rating product (BrDR).  The following enhancements and additions have been added to AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating in Version 7.2:

Bridge Design and Rating core product platform:

  • Superstructure data exchange via Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) bridge data standard
  • Modernized BrDR Database Migration Wizard
  • Support Microsoft Azure SQL and PostgreSQL as BrDR database management system

Bridge Design product:

  • Steel Plate Girder Design Tool
  • Prestressed Concrete Design Tool enhancements.  Several of the significant new capabilities and features are –
    • Girder system entry and girder line entry with additional design parameters
    • Structure framing plan, typical section, and beam profile schematics
    • Prestress tee beam design and additional strand configurations
    • Additional reporting capabilities including stability checks for transport

Bridge Rating product:

  • Load Rating Tool enhancements: LRFR analysis of multi-girder systems, slab systems, and multi-cell box beams
  • In-memory management of Load Rating Tool’s precomputed data repository

The appropriate system download package, with Bridge Design, Bridge Rating, or both, is provided in accordance with your AASHTO license agreement.  Installation instructions are provided within the AASHTOWare Bridge Startup Guide in the download package.

Software distribution is processed based on the information the organization provides when the software is licensed.  The system download package will be distributed to the organization’s shipping designee.  If no shipping designee is provided, the download package will be distributed to the end user designee.  Software distribution to all licensees will be completed 5 working days from this announcement.

Please direct any questions to AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Technical Support at BrDR@promiles.com.

AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating 7.1.1 Release Announcement

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force is pleased to deliver version 7.1.1 (7.1 Service Pack 1) of the AASHTOWare Bridge Design (BrD) and AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) products and the combined Design and Rating product (BrDR).  A complete list of BrDR Support Service Desk (BSSD) issues addressed in this service pack can be found in the release notes.  Version 7.1.1 uses the same database as version 7.1.0; no database changes are required for this service pack.

The appropriate system download package, with Bridge Design, Bridge Rating, or both, will be provided in accordance with your AASHTO license agreement.  Installation instructions are provided within the AASHTOWare Bridge Startup Guide in the download package.

Software distribution is handled based on the information the organization provides when the software is licensed.  The system download package will be distributed to the organization’s shipping designee.  If no shipping designee is provided, the download package will be distributed to the end user designee.

Please direct any questions to AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Technical Support at BrDR@promiles.com.

AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating 7.1 Release Announcement

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force is pleased to deliver version 7.1 of the AASHTOWare Bridge Design (BrD) and AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) products and the combined Design and Rating product (BrDR).  This release brings you exciting improvements and features that built on top of the version 7.0 modernized platform.  This release adds the following capabilities and features:

  1. Advanced concrete beams for girder system and girder line
    • Wide variety of cross sections can be modeled including non-symmetric and precast shapes
    • Regions of post-tensioning and regions of reinforced concrete within the same member
    • Overlapping post-tensioning tendons
    • Select stage of post-tensioning application
    • Hinges can be present in select construction stages
  2. Multi-cell box beam enhancements
    • Ability to specify standalone and connected structure models for live load distribution factors computation
    • Ability to consider exterior web as interior web for live load distribution factors computation
    • Ability to distribute post-tensioning forces to individual webs by percentages
    • Ability to enter loads on an individual web
    • Ability to specify percent of dead load flexure and shear for individual webs
  3. Ability to specify LRFD resistance factors for tension-controlled post-tensioned concrete sections with bonded strands or tendons
  4. LRFD live load distribution factor applicability ranges enhancements
    • Limit single lane lever rule to multi-lane equation
    • Limit live load distribution factor values to lever rule value
    • Difference in skew angle between adjacent supports override
    • Range of applicability for slabs
    • Live load distribution factor equations for one and two cell multi-cell box structures
  5. 3D analysis for reinforced concrete and steel superstructures with in-span hinges
  6. AASHTOWare Bridge Management (BrM) web service integration
  7. Load Rating Tool enhancements
    • Ability to specify permit analysis settings
    • Addition of slab system LFR
  8. Simplified Analysis API for LRFR permit load analysis
  9. Ability to specify user-defined file paths for various output
  10. Analysis Results Comparison Tool
  11. Support Active Directory authentication
  12. Support Oracle container database architecture
  13. License enforcement mechanism improvement
  14. Application Program Interface documentation updates

The appropriate system download package, with Bridge Design, Bridge Rating, or both, is provided in accordance with your AASHTO license agreement.  Installation instructions are provided within the AASHTOWare Bridge Startup Guide in the download package.

Software distribution is handled based on the information the organization provides when the software is licensed.  The system download package will be distributed to the organization’s shipping designee.  If no shipping designee is provided, the download package will be distributed to the end user designee.

Please direct any questions to AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Technical Support at BrDR@promiles.com.

AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating 7.0 Release Announcement

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force is pleased to deliver version 7.0 of the AASHTOWare Bridge Design (BrD) and AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) products and the combined Design and Rating product (BrDR).  Version 7.0 signifies the completion of the BrDR Modernization Project.  The modernized system significantly upgraded the core technology to a modern software architecture that utilizes current and future hardware, and the latest software development technologies.  The modernized AASHTO analytical engines improve on the analysis runtime performance of all structure types and paves the groundwork for future performance optimization.  The modernized user interface provides an improved and simplified user experience design that is easier to use for beginners and without losing modeling flexibility and robustness for advanced users.  In addition to the modernized system, this release adds the following capabilities and features:

  • AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications updates (9th Edition);
  • AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation updates (3rd Edition with 2020 Interim Revisions);
  • Load Rating Tool enhancements: LFR analysis of floor systems, multi-cell box beams, and culverts; and
  • Ability to specify vehicle increment in lane and lane increment for floorbeam and floortruss transverse live load analysis.

The appropriate system download package, with Bridge Design, Bridge Rating, or both, is provided in accordance with your AASHTO license agreement.  Installation instructions are provided within the AASHTOWare Bridge Startup Guide in the download package.

Software distribution is handled based on the information the organization provides when the software is licensed.  The system download package is distributed to the organization’s shipping designee.  If no shipping designee is provided, the download package is distributed to the end user designee. Please direct any questions to AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Technical Support at BrDR@promiles.com.

AASHTOWare Bridge Design, AASHTOWare Bridge Rating and AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Version 6.8.4 Update

Maintenance Release 1 for AASHTOWare Bridge Design, AASHTOWare Bridge Rating and AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Version 6.8.4 is available to download from the Downloads page.  Download the maintenance release that corresponds to the license that you have.  For licenses sponsored by agency, check with the agency before applying the maintenance release.

Please refer to the Readme file for installation instructions and the BrDR Support Service Desk (BSSD) issues that have been addressed in the maintenance release.

If you have questions about the maintenance release, contact us at BrDR@promiles.com.