If you’re interested in joining a TAG, please reach out to one of the AASHTOWare BrDR Task Force members for more information.
BrDR Analysis TAG
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Gao, Yihong | Minnesota DOT, Chair | yihong.gao@state.mn.us |
Tennant, Robby | West Virginia DOT, Vice Chair | robert.m.tennant@wv.gov |
Ghosh, Subhadeep | BrDR Contractor | subhadeep@promiles.com |
Abdullah, Abm | Virginia DOT | abm.abdullah@vdot.virginia.gov |
Albert, Joseph | New York State DOT | joseph.albert@dot.ny.gov |
Befikadu, Elizabeth | AI Engineers | ebefikadu@aiengineers.com |
Bishop, Drew | WJE | dbishop@wje.com |
Boehler, Ruben | Illinois DOT | ruben.boehler@illinois.gov |
Chernioglo, Igor | California DOT | igor.chernioglo@dot.ca.gov |
Feng, Dana | Louisiana DOTD | dana.feng@la.gov |
Hart, Jennifer | Indiana DOT | jenhart@indot.in.gov |
Huda, Ratan | New York State DOT | ratan.huda@dot.ny.gov |
Johnson, Michael | Idaho TD | michael.johnson@itd.idaho.gov |
Koehler, Spencer | Illinois DOT | spencer.koehler@illinois.gov |
Mallard, Jonathan | Virginia DOT | jonathan.mallard@vdot.virginia.gov |
Sersland, Shawn | Iowa DOT | shawn.sersland@iowadot.us |
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Boehler, Ruben | Illinois DOT, Chair | ruben.boehler@illinois.gov |
TAG member | Vice Chair | To be filled |
Trees, Geoff | BrDR Contractor | geoffrey@promiles.com |
Albert, Joseph | New York State DOT | joseph.albert@dot.ny.gov |
Barut, Joseph | Wisconsin DOT | joseph.barut@dot.wi.gov |
Hart, Jennifer | Indiana DOT | jenhart@indot.in.gov |
Hatting, Caleb | Indiana DOT | chatting@indot.in.gov |
Heredia, Ashley | Connecticut DOT | ashley.heredia@ct.gov |
Markevich, Sergey | California DOT | sergey.markevich@dot.ca.gov |
Patria, Christopher | Connecticut DOT | christopher.patria@ct.gov |
Pence, Alex | Wisconsin DOT | alex.pence@dot.wi.gov |
Ruby, Jeff | Kansas DOT | jeff.ruby@ks.gov |
Tomjanovich, Kelly | Wisconsin DOT | kelly.tomjanovich@dot.wi.gov |
Waheed, Amjad | Ohio DOT | amjad.waheed@dot.ohio.gov |
Weber, Seth | Kansas DOT | seth.weber@ks.gov |
BrDR Backlog TAG
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Hart, Jennifer | Indiana DOT, Chair | jenhart@indot.in.gov |
Westerfield, Scott | Mississippi DOT, Vice Chair | swesterfield@mdot.ms.gov |
Mlynarski, Mark | BrDR Contractor | mmlynarski@promiles.com |
Albert, Joseph | New York State DOT | joseph.albert@dot.ny.gov |
Boehler, Ruben | Illinois DOT | ruben.boehler@illinois.gov |
Bucci, Mark | Louisiana DOTD | mark.bucci@la.gov |
Chernioglo, Igor | California DOT | igor.chernioglo@dot.ca.gov |
Koehler, Spencer | Illinois DOT | spencer.koehler@illinois.gov |
Ruby, Jeff | Kansas DOT | jeff.ruby@ks.gov |
Wall, Michael | Alabama DOT | wallm@dot.state.al.us |
BrDR Culvert TAG
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Johnson, Michael | Idaho TD, Chair | michael.johnson@itd.idaho.gov |
Luger, Matt | North Dakota DOT, Vice Chair | mmluger@nd.gov |
Mlynarski, Mark | BrDR Contractor | mmlynarski@promiles.com |
Befikadu, Elizabeth | AI Engineers | ebefikadu@aiengineers.com |
Boehler, Ruben | Illinois DOT | ruben.boehler@illinois.gov |
Gomes, Nevil | EMCS | ngomes@emcsinc.com |
Hart, Jennifer | Indiana DOT | jenhart@indot.in.gov |
Huda, Ratan | New York State DOT | ratan.huda@dot.ny.gov |
Koehler, Spencer | Illinois DOT | spencer.koehler@illinois.gov |
Silverstrim, Damian | AI Engineers | dsilverstrim@aiengineers.com |
Tempinson, Don | Michigan DOT | tempinsond@michigan.gov |
Tsang, Richard | California DOT | richard.tsang@dot.ca.gov |
BrDR Design TAG (DTAG)
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Westerfield, Scott | Mississippi DOT, Chair | swesterfield@mdot.ms.gov |
TAG Member | Vice Chair | To be filled |
Kois, Carolyn | BrDR Contractor | ckois@promiles.com |
Befikadu, Elizabeth | AI Engineers | ebefikadu@aiengineers.com |
Bucci, Mark | Louisiana DOTD | mark.bucci@la.gov |
Chernioglo, Igor | California DOT | igor.chernioglo@dot.ca.gov |
Crudele, Brenda | New York State DOT | brenda.crudele@dot.ny.gov |
Ehrlich, Arielle | Minnesota DOT | arielle.ehrlich@state.mn.us |
Kemna, Aaron | Missouri DOT | aaron.kemna@modot.mo.gov |
Ruby, Jeff | Kansas DOT | jeff.ruby@ks.gov |
Schroeder, David | Montana DOT | daschroeder@mt.gov |
Woldemichael, Berhanu | Alabama DOT | woldemichaelb@dot.state.al.us |
BrDR Reports TAG (RTAG)
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Johnson, Michael | Idaho TD, Chair | michael.johnson@itd.idaho.gov |
TAG Member | Vice Chair | To be filled |
Phasale, Subodh | BrDR Contractor | subodh@promiles.com |
Albert, Joseph | New York State DOT | joseph.albert@dot.ny.gov |
Bucci, Mark | Louisiana DOTD | mark.bucci@la.gov |
Chernioglo, Igor | California DOT | igor.chernioglo@dot.ca.gov |
Huda, Ratan | New York State DOT | ratan.huda@dot.ny.gov |
Patria, Christopher | Connecticut DOT | christopher.patria@ct.gov |
Paulson, Steven | Tennessee DOT | steven.paulson@tn.gov |
Ruby, Jeff | Kansas DOT | jeff.ruby@ks.gov |
Smith, Mary | Montana DOT | msmith@mt.gov |
Thompson, Todd | South Dakota DOT | todd.thompson@state.sd.us |
Waheed, Amjad | Ohio DOT | amjad.waheed@dot.ohio.gov |
Wang, Cindy | Ohio DOT | cindy.wang@dot.ohio.gov |
BrDR Testing TAG
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Ruby, Jeff | Kansas DOT, Chair | jeff.ruby@ks.gov |
Johnson, Michael | Idaho TD, Vice Chair | michael.johnson@itd.idaho.gov |
Mlynarski, Mark | BrDR Contractor | mmlynarski@promiles.com |
Abdullah, Abm | Virginia DOT | abm.abdullah@vdot.virginia.gov |
Albert, Joseph | New York State DOT | joseph.albert@dot.ny.gov |
Befikadu, Elizabeth | AI Engineers | ebefikadu@aiengineers.com |
Boehler, Ruben | Illinois DOT | ruben.boehler@illinois.gov |
Briere, Cody | New York State DOT | cody.briere@dot.ny.gov |
Bucci, Mark | Louisiana DOTD | mark.bucci@la.gov |
Chan, Sylvia | California DOT | sylvia.chan@dot.ca.gov |
Chernioglo, Igor | California DOT | igor.chernioglo@dot.ca.gov |
Crudele, Brenda | New York State DOT | brenda.crudele@dot.ny.gov |
Devkota, Manjil | Virginia DOT | manjil.devkota@vdot.virginia.gov |
Gao, Yihong | Minnesota DOT | yihong.gao@state.mn.us |
Hagos, Michael | Manitoba | michael.hagos@gov.mb.ca |
Hart, Jennifer | Indiana DOT | jenhart@indot.in.gov |
Huang, George | California DOT | george_huang@dot.ca.gov |
Iqbal, Mohammad | New York State DOT | mohammad.iqbal@dot.ny.gov |
Jung, Jun | California DOT | jun.ki.jung@dot.ca.gov |
Koehler, Spencer | Illinois DOT | spencer.koehler@illinois.gov |
Mascarenas, Amanda | Colorado DOT | amanda.mascarenas@state.co.us |
Meng, David | Rhode Island DOT | dewei.meng@dot.ri.gov |
Metcalf, Billy | Louisiana DOTD | william.metcalf@la.gov |
Panta, Harisharan | Connecticut DOT | harisharan.panta@ct.gov |
Pence, Alex | Wisconsin DOT | alex.pence@dot.wi.gov |
Spencer, Andrew | Kansas DOT | andrew.spencer@ks.gov |
Stone, Crystal | Illinois DOT | crystal.stone@illinois.gov |
Tempinson, Don | Michigan DOT | tempinsond@michigan.gov |
Tennant, Robby | West Virginia DOT | robert.m.tennant@wv.gov |
Tomjanovich, Kelly | Wisconsin DOT | kelly.tomjanovich@dot.wi.gov |
Waheed, Amjad | Ohio DOT | amjad.waheed@dot.ohio.gov |
Wall, Michael | Alabama DOT | wallm@dot.state.al.us |
Warner, Dave | Montana DOT | dwarner@mt.gov |
Westerfield, Scott | Mississippi DOT | swesterfield@mdot.ms.gov |
Withers, Richard | Neel-Schaffer | richard.withers@neel-schaffer.com |
Woldemichael, Berhanu | Alabama DOT | woldemichaelb@dot.state.al.us |
Zhang, Tony | California DOT | tony.zhang@dot.ca.gov |
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Gao, Yihong | Minnesota DOT, Co-Chair (BrDR) | yihong.gao@state.mn.us |
Armour, Jacob | Michigan DOT, Co-Chair (BrM) | armourj1@michigan.gov |
Plummer, Kyle | BrDR Contractor | kyle@promiles.com |
Middleton, Sara | BrM Contractor | sara.middleton@mayvue.com |
Bickley, Emily | South Carolina DOT | bickleyej@scdot.org |
Johnson, Michael | Idaho TD | michael.johnson@itd.idaho.gov |
Lakmon, Kpandji | Nebraska DOT | kpandji.lakmon@nebraska.gov |
Miller, Kent | Nebraska DOT | kent.miller@nebraska.gov |
Wright, Arnita | Kansas DOT | arnita.wright@ks.gov |