User Group

Welcome to the Rating And Design Bridge Users Group (RADBUG). Members of this group represent their respective agencies in the guidance and support of AASHTOWare BrDR products. Feedback from the Users Group is implemented by the BrDR Task Force, which dictates the product roadmap and manages project development. The Users Group input is collected during the annual RADBUG meeting via presentations, discussion forums, and ultimately – enhancement voting.  Here is a brief document explaining how you, as a user, fit into this organization (including  a summary of the voting process)


RADBUG Officers

Feel free to email any questions you may have to user group officers. Officers are knowledgeable with the software and glad to assist with any questions.

Full list of RADBUG Officers

2025 RADBUG Annual Meeting

Save the date for the 2025 RADBUG Annual Meeting at The Grove Hotel in Boise, Idaho on August 12-13, 2025